Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Incase you were wondering....

Even though no one has asked me, personally, I feel it's necessary to say a few words about something on this blog from the past week....
Incase anyone wondered why I posted the video of myself in such terrible shape, but hasn't asked, it's because I felt it was time....after all I have endured over the past 6 1/2 months (especially the past 3 1/2 month) to put a face and a voice to all these words which everyone seems to enjoy, and I can't thank all of you enough for your interest in this blog, as well as letting others know about it. That means more than anything I could ever possibly write on here.
For most of my life, it has been quite easy for me to throw words around in my mind and throw them out on paper, and now on here. If there is one thing I'm able to pull off, it's literary expression. I don't know if it's some kind of gift or if I'm just lucky. Either way, I'm glad to be able to share these expressions with others. As it stands, this is one of the VERY FEW things left in my life which brings peace to my mind and for a short while, manages to set my emotions free. As long as this is the case, I will gladly continue to write somewhere with something and do my best to reach anyone who is interested in what I have to say.
The video was not meant to scare anyone, nor was it a means to receive pity or sympathy, or even to pull someone's heart strings loose. As I said, I simply felt it was time to put a face and a voice to these words. If you were genuinely spooked by it, all I can say is I wish that had not been the case. Apologizing would defeat the purpose of why I posted it. Again, please understand (or at least try) what all I'm dealing with in my daily life and that most people wouldn't dare to venture where I have, publicly. I'm not saying you're all lucky to have my blog in your lives. I'm simply saying that people like me normally hide everything we endure, but I'm not going to do that. Honestly, I don't know how and don't want to be taught how. I respect others who feel that they must remain silent, but that's simply NOT what I'm going to do for the rest of my life.
Thanks again to all of you for taking an interest in my life. You mean the world to me, and there is literally a world of you here. May you all be blessed.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not happy about what you're going through but I'm happy that you have enough courage to share it so that others know they aren't alone. I'm glad that in a way you have an outlet for the feelings and the thoughts in your head! I'm here if you need to talk, to yell, to cry. I just wish you smiles..although I do know that they will take time.
