Saturday, February 26, 2011

The little blog viewed 'round the world.

I am honestly surprised (to put it lightly), honored, and humbled to say that this blog, while known to so very few (here in the United States), has readers in 7 countries!
I never had a clue that enough people here in the states, let alone anywhere else in the world, would ever want to take an interest in what someone like me has to say. It feels great, but I'm very much in shock.
A quick note to the international readers: I will not disclose your location to anyone. Even if I were to do that, it wouldn't happen on here. Not only is your viewing this blog extremely important to me, so is my belief that unless you decide to speak of your location on your own, your privacy is just as important. If no one else understands, I'm ok with it. Feel free to spread this blog to as many people as you wish, and be assured that your privacy will remain intact. I thank you more than any words could ever express.
In the meantime, I guess it's no longer a tiny corner of the world. Paul Burton is now international (You have no idea how strange but wonderful it feels to say those words!).
How about that? In less than 30 days and with no sponsorship from anyone, I have over 400 views from an unknown number of readers, in a grand total of 7 countries including the United States of America.
(*Update-less than 24 hours after this was posted, it became 8 countries in total.)
(*Update-March 1...Make that 9 countries. Keep spreading it, people! Love it!)
(*Update-March 1 at 7:00 PM, 10 countries. Unreal...
(*Update-March 2 at 5:00 AM, 11 countries. YES!!!)
(*Update-March 3 at 8:00 AM, 12 countries. Damn...Bring it! Love it!!)
(*Update-March 5 at 7:30 AM, 13 countries!! Come forward, world!!)
(*Update-March 7 at 12:50 PM, 14 countries! Keep on bringin' it!)
(*Update-March 9 at 8:00 AM, 15 countries! Hot damn, let's go!!)
(*Update-March 11 at 3:45 AM, 16 countries!!! I am LOVING THIS!!)
(*Update-March 16 at 8:00 PM, 17 countries! Wow...WOW!!!)
(*Update-March 24 at 11:30 PM, 18 countries. I can't thank all of you enough, seriously.)
(*Update-April 4 at 6:00 PM, 19 countries. Never would I have dreamed it.)
(**Update-April 11 at 4:00 AM, 20 countries. Speechless)
(*Update-April 14 at 9:00 PM, 21 countries. Such a good thing...)
(*Update-April 18 at 7:00 PM, 22 countries. Incredible. Truly unthinkable.)
(*Update-May 5 at 11:00 AM, 23 countries and it keeps on growing.)
(*Update-May 12 at 3:00 PM, 24 countries and this is so incredibly amazing to me! Bless you all!!)
(*Update-May 17 at 1:45 PM, 25 countries.....still so very shocking....)
(*Update-May 18 at 9:30 AM, 26 countries...WOWWW!!!!)

Final update: June 22, 2011
The blog is now being viewed in more than 30 countries. This blog has only received approximately 1400 view hits (at the time of this update), but I will take it. For everyone who has taken an interest and actually wants to hear about my world, which is now smaller than ever, I thank you with my entire heart. This degree of interest from just people in the united states never entered my mind. To know that anyone in any other part of the world gives a damn is incredible. Thank you, everyone!

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